hidden dynamics
in living cells

Imagine peering into a world where the intricate interplay of large molecules in living cells is clearly detectable. Enabling such observations could lead to the development of enhanced antibiotics, novel treatments for neurodegenerative conditions, and innovative approaches against virus-induced diseases.
By measuring rotational diffusion of labeled structures, our technology can infer the effective size of particles or complexes and reveal protein-protein interaction and particle aggregation.

The Team

Andreas Bodén, PhD

Dr Andreas Bodén holds a MSc in biomedical and electrical engineering and recieved his PhD in biological physics from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2021. During his PhD with Prof. Ilaria Testa, Andreas developed a new super-resolution microscopy techniques for live-cell imaging which were in published in Nature Communications and Nature Biotechnology.

"I love applying my skills and experience to create new solutions and explore new dimensions within biomedical optics and biophysics."

Andrea Volpato, PhD

Dr Andrea Volpato has a background in non-linear optical spectroscopy and holds a PhD from the University of Padova. During his post-doctoral research he invented the technology that forms the core of rizer biotech togther with Prof. Ilaria Testa. The research that it enables was published in Nature Biotechnology in 2023 and has gained wide recognition in the scientific community.

"I aim for perfection in the development of new tools for functional imaging, exploiting switchable transitions in fluorescent proteins and organic dyes."

Scientific Advisor
Ilaria Testa, PhD

Dr Ilaria Testa is an Associate Professor at the KTH Royal Insititute of Technology (Sweden) and a world-leading expert in advanced fluorescence microscopy. She received her PhD in 2009 from the University of Genova (Italy) and continued her postdoctoral studies at the Max Plank Institute in Gottingen (Germany) under the supervision of Nobel Laureate Stephan Hell. She has more than 15 years of experience in academic research, authoring more than 60 peer-reviewed publications with more than 4000 citations.

"I strive to develop novel and paradigm-shifting techniques by exploring new ways to harness smart illuminations and optical transitions in order to address contemporary challenges in biophysics and molecular biology."

Our Technology

The core research behind our technology was published in Nature Biotechnology, and appeared on the cover of the April 2023 issue.

The method is based on long-lived reversible molecular transitions of switchable fluorescent proteins to resolve the relatively slow rotational diffusivity of large complexes. In the publication we probe the rotational mobility of several molecular complexes in living cells, including chromatin, the retroviral Gag lattice, and activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein oligomers. The ability to probe arbitrarily large structures, make it generally applicable to the entire human proteome.

We strive to provide new tools to study disease in living cells, forwarding basic knowledge and driving the development of new drugs and treatments.

Get in touch

Rizer Biotech AB is a spin-off company of the TestaLab at KTH Royal Institute of Technology based on groundbreaking research performed at Scilifelab, Sweden's national hub for life sciences.

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